Urban City by EVOL

No, this is not a series of Photoshopped images, or photo manipulations created by digital artists, this is a real development. Well, it is not 100% real, because those are not real buildings but only prints of the building walls, but you get my point.  German street artist by the code name EVOL has constructed this urban “X” in a field outside of Hamburg as part of the MS Dockville Music and Art Festival.  It took him eight days to dig and construct this X-BOX logo shaped sort of thing in the ground, and he even added lights to attract attention at dawn (please view the construction process by visiting this link).  People could go inside the trenches to experience this development and have fun while they are on it, feeling like they are walking in the bunker or hiding from war.

These ordinary photos fool our sense with class by the scale and detail of the city block because these trenches are dugg up at average person’s height and are beautifully constructed.   It would be wonderful to expand on this concept and build a more massive city block on a bigger field. Then have some goofballs dress up in Godzilla outfits and go for it.
EVOL works on variety of other urban projects (such as the one below) using different surfaces (such as electric boxes, planters) and transforming them into miniature sized architectural forms.



