Tag: installation art

  • A Mirrored Water Fountain

    A Mirrored Water Fountain

    Metalmorphosis is a mirrored water fountain erected by David Černý a Czech sculptor. This 14-ton head is made from massive stainless steel layers that rotate 360 degrees and from time to time align to present a human head.

  • Ruined Cities

    Ruined Cities

    Jiang Pengyi creates miniature sized abandoned city scapes that he calls “Unregistered Cities”. The abandoned cities appear in abandoned buildings or properties; the remnants of the past to add to the concept of what the total abandoned world is like.

  • Threaded Sketches

    Threaded Sketches

    Debbie Smyth is a thread drawings artist; Her playful yet sophisticated artworks are embroidered using thread and pins alone. She stretches a mesh of threads between the pins to create her art.

  • It’s Not What They Seem

    It’s Not What They Seem

    There are many deceptions in art, much of it is failed attempts at best, but this isn’t one of those because the art of Tom Deininger, despite being enormous in size, can fool even the most trained eye.

  • Fluidly Moving Sculptures

    Fluidly Moving Sculptures

    Janet Echelman uses airspace in metropolitan cities around the world to install fluidly moving sculptures with fishing nets – a light weight material that respond to wind, water, and sunlight, and other environmental challenges

  • Designing Space Using New Media

    Designing Space Using New Media

    ART+COM is a design firm working with new media on commercial/brand projects for many enterprise level corporations. Brands are slowly tapping into the world of art, and they look very cool. It is not easy for brands to tap into the art market since brands are usually viewed negatively in the world of art.

  • Linking Art and Architecture

    Linking Art and Architecture

    When asked in a interview what sort of projects Arne Quinze does, he answered “Everything: Trucks, boats, fashion, shoes, furniture, and lamps. The theme he explores in his projects is sociology, or how people interconnect with one another.