Danny Venlet – Artist or Interior Architect?

I’m not sure how to properly describe Danny Venlet, is he an Artist or Interior Architect Designer?  Danny Venlet designs interior furniture for a living, but his designs are so intricate and artistic, that I couldn’t help my self but put him in the category of contemporary artists, after all, his furniture can be best described as beautiful art.

I’m drawn to the sensual curves, the clean edges, and the crisp minimalist of contemporary design. The Goggle Desk above is one such beautiful design . If you take a way the chair it can be easily perceived as an abstract art form worthy to be featured in an art gallery.  Put in the chair back, and you got yourself a furniture piece which functions as a desk and object of design in the office. Manufactured in late 2010.

Here are some more furniture pieces by Danny Venlet, that can act as pure art forms as well as serve a useful function.

Light Ventilator

More about Danny Venlet on Youtube