Chinese artist Li Wei from Beijing does what can be best described as “impossible art”. None of his images are photoshopped believe it or not, well, let me correct myself. He does clone out or patch some details of the image, such as the cable that attaches people in their performed stunt, but he does not cut, move, and paste individual characters to different positions. The stunts in the photos are performed by real people, in the same manner as the photo was shot at. His photography is mixed with big performance art stunts and creates illusions of dangerous reality. He works with the help of props such as mirror, metal wires, scaffolding and acrobatics.
For Li Wei it all took off with his ‘Falls’ series which shows the artist with his head slammed into the ground.
For instance, in this image of the car and the string of people holding on for their life, is all produced with pulleys and cables. Even the car is hanging in thin air. This is kind of photoshoot probably took Li Wei a whole day to produce, and as you can imagine he had to use a lot of industrial equipment and machinery to pull it off. The results are stunning, straight out of Hollywood’s Mission impossible.
To view all Li Wei’s work go to: